Friday, November 19, 2010

...Because The Government Doesn't Know What They're Doing; or The Mech Solution

It has become apparent that Tourism in its present state, will not sustain us forever. Everyone in the Caribbean can offer sun, sand, sea, and smiles, some even better than us, but we as Bahamians are not quitters. Sure traditional tourism is failing, perhaps then it is time for us to expand our reach, and invest in other industries that could save us from economic disaster. A lot of people speak about returning to agriculture and fisheries, and while that is all fine and dandy, I am proposing brand new initiatives that will push the Bahamas into the 22nd century. The Bahamas is a Small Island State, but that is no reason for us to dream small. Japan is also an island state, and look how advance they are. What is stopping us from being as great as the Japanese? As Bahamians what do we have that is our most precious resource outside of Bamboo Shack and Stevie S? 


The Bahamian people are ingenuiteous, and through our ingenuitiabilities we have weathered many storms.  Case and point the invention of ‘chicken in the bag’.*
While sitting in the computer lab waiting to print out my 215 page Super Sentai  fan fiction, this very thought crossed my mind. So what is it that separates us from being as great as the Japanese?

Giant Fighting Robots.

We need to involve ourselves in “Mech Warrior Tourism” it is as simple as that. What other country has 60 foot tall robots running around destroying each other? None. We would be a first, and according to my research, Mech-Tourism is a $5 Million a year industry. Shouldn’t we be getting a part of that delicious robot pie? There are pundits out there who would suggest that we need to leave tourism alone and they offer the adage “you’re beating a dead horse” but to them I offer another  maxim, from the quill of the great Greek  Philosopher, Epeius, when speaking to the Trojans “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”. And if we are beating this horse, as they say, let us continue, perhaps it is not a dead horse, but in fact a piƱata, and then who shall be laughing as we feast on the sweet, delicious innards that our industry will offer up to us.

*In the early 1900’s on the island of Acklins there was a chicken farm that was half a mile from a Mazola corn oil factory, one day an accident at the oil factory resulted in an explosion that sent gallons of hot oil rushing towards the chicken farm. While no humans were injured in the ordeal, there was the vexing problem of what to do with the scores of delicious fried chicken carcasses that littered the Acklins’ streets. Luckily a  young man, who happen to be the manager of small wax and brown paper bag factory came up with the solution to drench the departed fowl in ketchup and wrap it in his product and sell it to Nassuvians, who by his estimation would eat just about anything.  Well the rest is history and today we have a thriving fast-food and renal clinic industry in Nassau.